Me, Banach and Nikodym on the bench in Kraków discusing math.
Currently, I am working on problems related to orthogonal polynomials, spaces of analytic functions and geometric function theory.
(Joint with F. Bayart) On universality of general Dirichlet series, Submitted (2024).
(Joint with A. Aleman) Brennan's conjecture holds for semigroups of holomorphic functions, Submitted (2024).
(Joint with O. F. Brevig and K-M. Perfekt) Almost periodicity and boundary values of Dirichlet series, to appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2025).
(Joint with F. Bayart) Schatten class composition operators on the Hardy space of Dirichlet series and a comparison-type principle, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana (2024).
(Joint with F. Broucke and K-M. Perfekt) A note on Bohr's theorem for Beurling integer systems, Mathematische Annalen (2023).
(Joint with K-M. Perfekt) Composition operators on weighted Hilbert spaces of Dirichlet series, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2023).
Composition operators and generalized primes, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2023).
(Joint with O. F. Brevig) An extension of Bohr's theorem, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2023).
The Analysis Seminar in Thessaloniki, 12/04/2022.
IWOTA 2022 KRAKÓW, 6-10/09/2022.
Analysis & Number Theory, Oslo, 8-9/12/2022.
Analysis Winter Meeting, Thessaloniki, 22-23/12/2022.
Washington University in St. Louis, Analysis Seminar, 06/03/2023.
LMBP - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, Seminaire PAS, 28/03/2023.
Seminar, Analysis Stockholm, 24/05/2023.
ACOTCA 2023 Thessaloniki, 26-30/06/2023.
IWOTA 2023 HELSINKI, 31/07/2023-04/08/2023.
Bench Math Session, KRAKÓW, 04/12/2023.
Analysis Winter Meeting, Thessaloniki, 22/12/2023.
IMUS Seminar, Sevilla, 09/02/2024.
UCD SMS seminars, Dublin, 22/04/2024.
NTNU analysis seminar, Trondheim, 29/04/2024.
Monthly Seminar on (Hyper)Complex Analysis and Geometry, Milano, 19/06/2024.
ACOTCA 2024 Tenerife, 24-28/06/2024.
Workshop in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory with Carl Sundberg, Lund, 5-7/08/2024.
Classical Analysis Seminar, KU Leuven, 26/11/2024.
Analysis and Geometry seminar, Institut de Mathématique de Marseille, 28/11/2024.
Operators on analytic function spaces, CIRM, 2-6/12/2024.
Research visits
LMBP - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 02-08/05/2022.
University of Oslo, Norway, 04-11/12/2022.
LMBP - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, January- March 2023.
Lund University, April- June 2023.
IMUS Sevilla, February 2024.